


Jim has often brought his contribution as an illustrator for magazines, books, newspapers and posters linked to theatre plays and concerts. Several comics strips and Christmas tales cartoons are published by "le Progrès de Lyon". He is the author of the cover for Bernard Frangin's book untitled "Jess".

In 1968, he realises a poster for the first concert in France, in Lyon of the mystical group "Pink Floyd" , held on the 16th of October at the "Théatre du 8ème".

He collaborates with the same Theatre on several plays, for which he draws and paints posters: "La Tragédie du Roi Christophe" Aimé Césaire, directed by Jean-Marie Serreau; "La Poupée" Audiberti, "Dom Juan" Molière, "La Mort de Danton" Bruckner, "La Moscheta" Ruzante, all directed by Marcel Maréchal.


A serie of ten drawings on Indian ink realised in 1967 after the work "psychopathia sexualis", a compilation of sexual perversions, strictly studied and classified in 1886 by Dr Kraft-Ebbing, an Austrian psychiatrist. These drawings were shown in the lyonnese gallery "Le Lutrin" in 1969, reproduced in OZ magazine in 1971, portfolio Wordworks 7 in 1976 then in the Savoy Book anthology.

Within the same period he often designs sets for several plays, for which he creates posters as well. In 1970 he realises the poster for the film "Peau d'Ane" directed by Jacques Demy.

In the seventies, when living in London, Jim is a regular contributor for numerous underground supports, such as famous "Oz magazine", International Times, Rolling Stones, Friends, Wordworks 7 or Savoy Book anthology, (Savoy Picture website).

He travels to the States, to San Fransisco where he works for "the Berkeley Barb" and meets Gilbert Shelton. He returns in 1973 to Philadelphia where he gives lectures to Art Students and does the impressive portrait of Luther Brady.

In the early eighties, in Birmingham, he does illustrations for Rock magazine Brumbeat and brings his contribution trough numerous posters announcing concerts organised by Headquarters.

About La Fontaine (French Fabulist: 1621.1695).

110 painters and writers express their admiration and love for Jean de La Fontaine, some illustrate a fable, others write a letter to the famous fabulist, Jim provides a drawing after "La Femme noyée" (the drawned woman). The exhibition set up by Le Conseil Général du Rhône in Park of Lacroix-Laval near Lyon includes 110 works ( 40 X 60 cms) is supervised by Art Critic Bernard Gouttenoire. The exhibition Catalogue is published the same year 1995 by Traboules editions.

Mémoires enchantées

125 painters and musicians work on a song of their own choice, Jim selects "Les Roses de Picardie", a tribute to French singer Yves Montand. All the works are shown in 1997 at Park Lacroix-Laval with the help of Conseil Général du Rhône and that of Bernard Gouttenoire. Stéphane Bachès edits and publishes a catalogue.
